

Parents & Families


而每个学生都是不同的, we have discovered that first-year students commonly face similar challenges during specific times of the academic year. 我们希望以下将军, monthly list* of some typical hurdles will help you comprehend what your son/daughter may go through during his/her first year at the University. While we have organized these issues into specific months, they can occur at any time.

*Note: the list was written from the perspective of a student entering 欧文康考迪亚大学 in the fall. 对于1月份入学的学生,学费会有一些波动.



Students move in, meet their roommates, and set up their room/living space. 许多人会在校园的第一天参加我们的 坠落方向,哇. During move-in, students may not want you to linger as they meet new people and get settled in.


问他们参加了什么康科迪亚的迎新活动. 他们玩得开心吗?? 他们学到了什么??

什么是PAL团队? A PAL Team is led by at least one Peer Advising Leader (PAL) who is a returning student. PALs serve as the first peer resource for new students and will host a variety of engaging and meaningful events during Week of Welcome. 每个PAL团队由25-35名一年级学生组成. Freshman PAL Teams will transition to INT 100: Freshman Seminar Breakout Sessions where PALs become co-facilitators. PAL Teams will continue to interact with each other throughout the fall semester by going to on or off-campus social gatherings organized by the PALs.

每个PAL团队都有一个主题. PAL Teams are designed to help first-year students make critical connections with each other as well as to the campus and community. It contributes to their positive transition to 欧文康考迪亚大学.


Students attend their first classes and begin navigating the campus and the Irvine community. 他们可能还面临着关于酒精的选择, 参加他们的第一场大学体育比赛, 开始定期吃自助餐厅的饭菜. They may be feeling lonely, isolated, and/or excited about meeting new friends. Questions about their identity may start to arise as they assess where and/or if they fit in.


You may miss your student, but you are not alone; so do their siblings, pets, and other friends! Ask about their classes, their friends, and any opportunities for involvement. Research states involvement in college enhances a student’s college experience. Encourage your student to get involved on campus or seek out their PAL(s) to help connect them with their peers if they are unsure if they fit in.


学生们可能会参加他们的第一次考试,写他们的第一篇论文. 可能会出现室友矛盾, and students may face their first round of financial challenges (entertainment, 信用卡, gas). 大型活动包括秋季嘉年华, 午夜疯狂, 万圣节, 感恩节, 中期选举, 报名参加春季课程. Students will begin preparing for and enrolling in their next semester classes.


谈论学习技巧, 时间管理, and all the great campus resources that are available to your student. Break periods are approaching quickly—how will these change things in the house? Ask about study time, workload, and involvement in campus organizations/activities.

12月 & 寒假

学生参加期末考试, 完成学期论文, 呈现小组项目, 和这学期的新朋友们说再见. 他们也可能对第一学期的成绩感到焦虑.


这时候送个爱心包裹就好了. 讨论寒假计划:假期、工作、课程.


学生们可能会回家和高中朋友们共度时光. 他们可能会问自己:“工作还是不工作?". Give them some time to readjust to being at home as they may have grown in many aspects since they left for college.


Think about how the rules are going to change over break for your student and the whole family. 如果你的学生正在考虑转学, 询问他/她的理由, and offer possible strategies on how your student can connect with Concordia. 联系 第一年实习办公室 regarding your student’s concerns so we can reach out to your student.


欢迎回来! Students review the past semester and make changes - maybe they get more involved on campus or join a group. 新的学期安排带来了新的挑战.


This is a good time to review or revise budgets based on a semester’s worth of experience. 此外,询问需要做出哪些改变才能确保学业成功. 房子又空了——就像坐过山车一样! 你可能会对学生的成绩感到焦虑.


Students may begin thinking about spring break plans (including who is going to pay for it). 另外, 他们希望有时间学习, 如果他们还没有, 开始计划明年的生活安排.


询问税收和FAFSA, 如果你还没有, discuss with your student the plans for living arrangements next year.


Spring break comes and goes and students start looking forward to the summer, 这一切都发生在另一组期中考试期间. Students will think about what classes they want and need to take next year, 因为他们将报名参加夏季和/或秋季课程, 有些人可能还在问“我的专业是什么??” Your student may be deciding to transfer or withdraw from Concordia.


你做了一年的学生, this is a good time to check in about any changes that should be made for their success academically. 鼓励你的学生利用 学术谘询处 and the 就业中心 & 职业 讨论适合自己兴趣的专业.

如果你的学生想转学, 询问原因, and discuss possible solutions to see if there are specific strategies your student can use to succeed at Concordia. 主要是因为你的学生想家吗? 他/她是否努力与协和女神建立联系? 联系 第一年实习办公室 regarding your student’s possible concerns so that the University can work with your student.


Many students will miss their new college friends and some will return home to watch old high school friends graduate. 有些人可能会感到明年赚钱的压力. 他们将如何与朋友保持联系? 哪些需要打包带回家,哪些可以捐赠?


如果你的学生要回家, discuss expectations regarding rules and responsibilities for the summer as well as expectations for earning money/saving for the upcoming year.



Students typically return to campus for their second year with a renewed sense of purpose and direction, 更清楚地了解对他们的期望, 增强时间管理和学习能力. However, 一些二年级学生变得过于自信, and if they are not careful can find themselves in academic difficulty.

在你儿子/女儿一岁之后, encourage him/her to set and adhere to meaningful goals and objectives, 继续练习有效的时间管理和学习技巧, and to maintain contact with his/her academic advisor and professors as a way to work through conflicts and concerns before they get out of hand and become difficult to manage.
